Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion, On 9/11

by Paul Big Bear,
Dear Friends,
How do you start your day, with coffee or tea, cereal, toast, full breakfast, with someone, perhaps family? Do you wake up refreshed and ready to go, shower, exercise, read a paper, watch TV or listen to the radio? On September 11 2001 where were you, what were you doing, what went through your mind as you listened/watched as the New York Twin Towers were attacked killing over 3,000 innocent people.
Yes, we were attacked with no concern for life, only a violent, evil, pre meditated attack on the people of America. Why? Because there are people who hate America and all it stands for, especially that we stand in the way of any power that seeks world domination. Was there a plan to destroy our way of life, our freedoms? If so they failed! We rallied as we always do, together as Americans and we did what had to be done. We dug through the rubble together, we mourned together, and together we gave love and support AS ONE PEOPLE! On that day and many after ALL AMERICAN LIVES MATTERED. 

Our military engaged in a war to bring to justice those who dared to attack U.S. Our “first responders”; police, fire, EMT’s, military, joined by civilians worked together, side by side on a task so gruesome no one even thought to ask “Who is this person working next to me?” They were friends, neighbors, fellow Americans. Titles like republican – democrat – skin color – religion – ethnicity – or social status did not matter. No one asked why they were there they just worked and mourned together.

Saturday the eleventh of September 2021 we mark twenty years since this horrific attack. We are divided by so many labels, dashes added to how we identify ourselves, political correctness as we tear down our Constitution, our history, our very identity. There is now a warning in the US Archives warning on the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution stating that they may be offensive to the reader!! Four planes and over three thousand lives taken could not destroy America. Edmund Burke said it best; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Have we forgotten? Has this “Culture Change Society” succeeded where the attacks of 9/11 failed? I will never forget, will you? On a final note: Maybe every 9/11 death certificate/autopsy report should have listed “cause of death” as Murder!