Vehicle Found In Northeast Hit and Run
by Alex Lloyd Gross
Aug 22, 2022
All the driver had to do was stop the vehicle and call police. That, after they hit two people on a bicycle early today at Bustleton and Cottman Aves. Instead, the driver took off and never called for help. They were driving a white SUV north on Bustleton Avenue. That vehicle has been found, parked unattended on the 7400 block of Faunce Street.
Police feel certain that the vehicle found on Faunce Street is the vehicle that was involved in the crash. Before they make any arrest, they will gather evidence, which includes looking at security camera footage of the neighborhood, to determine who drove the vehicle and what condition the vehicle was in when it left vs when it returned. The windshield was smashed and there was damage to the front end.
Fingerprints will be taken to determine who was the driver. Police said those are routine things that are done in a case such as this. Police have not said if the owner has made any statements. about the crash.
The two people hurt on a bike sustained injuries. A female was treated and released. A male was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.