Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion- On Laws and William Penn

Dear Friends,

       The other day I turned on the news just in time to hear that Philadelphia, in response to those who feel that William Penn is offensive and does not deserve a statue or any other accolade and instead feel his statue and home should be torn down and better the park should honor the indigenous Native Americans. More political correctness here we go again, In the 1960’s Madeline Murray O’Hare was offended by the Bible in our schools and it was removed. The beginning of the end for American rights today we   have chaos. “I am offended by that” is all that needs to be said and that offense will be removed, how many statues have been removed? How long will we allow history to be torn down and rewritten?

       It gets more frightening, I will stay in Philadelphia for this but it can be found in every one of the fifty states. “How do we stop the (gun) violence?” Let’s look at some suggested answers; pass more anti gun laws, make the honest, licensed, gun owner afraid to defend his family, home, himself with a gun. Meanwhile the violent criminal is locked up and released over and over again. Remember “that offends me” and we find that the gun is the problem. I have heard supposed intelligent politicians and law makers say “If honest people would turn in their guns then the criminals will turn theirs in.” There is another movement to allow gun manufacturers to be sued when a gun is used to commit a crime, never mind that the gun functioned as it was intended, not on its own but by the hand of the one holding it. Perhaps we need to sue the car manufacturers when a drunk driver kills someone while driving intoxicated, after all if the drunk did not have a car he would not have been able to run someone down. According to the American Medical Association America is overrun with obese, overweight people of all ages. Should I turn in my silverware? Every day we are bombarded with new class action lawsuits that we may be eligible to take part in because we used a product/drug and now suffer from one of the side effects.

        How do we stop the gun violence after all we cannot find a motive, a drug deal gone bad, lover’s breakup, abusive treatment, or the continuation of an argument? How about the video games where killing accrues points and makes the high score something to compete for. How many of these killings are random shooting of people on the street, sitting in their car, children in their homes, their beds. No motive just a big man with a gun. Meanwhile the government is passing law after law to stop gun ownership ignoring the 2nd amendment. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor with a plan to keep going and attack the west coast, in fact they did to a small degree, why did they not follow through? Their intelligence warned that there was a gun behind every door and tree, the largest armed militia in the world, 150,000 armed, licensed hunters in California. Look at the facts while they still exist, ask the indigenous native American how letting the government take their weapons worked out. Ask the six million Jews, Polish, gypsies, and Russians  how it worked out. Sure point to the Holocaust while you are able, everyday it is being taught that the Holocaust did not happen, the Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee never happened. Soon the starving survivors of the Holocaust will all be dead, those who teach the truth of Wounded Knee and Trail of Tears will be dead or silenced and only the instilled fears will remain. More illegals have entered the United States than the populations of seventeen states. The number of drugs that are stopped at the border is astronomical, in reality how many are never stopped and make their way to our citizens, children and adults.

       Don’t worry or be afraid this is the government that has legalized medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and in some states most drugs in small personal use quantities, so what is everyone worried about. The government will take care of us as gas prices come down? I bought gas for $3.03 a gallon and just minutes away they were charging $4.03 a gallon. Go food shopping and compare this year’s prices to last years. Now compare your income this year and think about the New Jersey politicians who just voted themselves a raise. Before we say how much realize that on top of a $170,000 salary they get paid security, living accommodations, food, expense accounts, now they just voted themselves a 67% raise. So enjoy your recreational pastimes and look the other way as history is being torn down all around you, after all we certainly cannot fear children who are merely playing games and why should we even miss our guns the government knows what is best for us, if there is ever a threat we will be lead to safety by those who are armed and our children in brown shirts as we board the trains. Oh on a foot note, the people of Philadelphia via the media overloaded the messages demanding that William Penn, his home, and Welcome Park not be changed and they won. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn?

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