Gang Of Hoodlums Rob Woman On Subway

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Most criminals are stupid. Especially this group of hoodlums who robbed a woman of her phone on the Market Frankford Line. While the robbery happened on May 28, 2024, police released video of the thieves this week. Under Pennsylvania law, it one person is with a group that robs someone, they are guilty of robbery even if they did not actively participate in the theft.

The woman was on the train and gets to leave at her stop but some of the criminals had other plans. They kept her on the train and accosted her. They finally took her phone by force and run like cowards, in an attempt to get away when the train reaches the next stop. Except one male, who is obese and uses his body weight to pin the female in the train, before he breaks free and runs away, allowing the female to get off the train. She tries to chase after them but was not successful.

The thieves made an attempt to disguise themselves by wearing face masks. Police tracked them down and some were caught on camera without their masks on.

If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:
Southwest Detective Division:
DC 24-19-034102