Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion- On July 4th

Dear Friends,

       I remember as young as I can recall looking forward to the 4th of July, the parades and then after a dinner of hot dogs, baked beans, and corn on the cob, blanket in hand heading to a spot where we could watch the fireworks display from the beach in Lake Ariel. It was thrilling, rockets bursting in brilliant colors accompanied by rapid small explosions and one big one that you could feel. We knew that this beautiful display was honoring and celebrating our independence and becoming a free country. We learned in school and at home just how important that freedom was how it came to be, and at what cost. We felt pride seeing all the American flags, everyone put their flag out, stores, homes, and we stood proud any time the pledge of allegiance was recited. When “God Bless America” was sung we knew the words and we sang along. Our heroes were those who stood and fought for right and freedom. After the fireworks we would set of our fire crackers and light our sparklers. Not one of the play mates I set these off with was ever injured. Oh we were careful but I also know that we are blessed to have done so unscathed.

      This year we “The Party Continues” will participate in the 4th of July Parades; Rockledge at 9 AM, our seventh year, and the Greater Glenside Parade, our 27th year. I am so moved and proud to see the thousands, yes thousands that turn out for these parades. The Glenside is, I believe the oldest continuing parade in the country, and as I sing on our Party Float I am proud to live in Abington Township and be a part of Glenside. This year we want our participation to be our expression of thanks to Bill Hall for his hard work for 27 years (sadly passing as he began working on #27).

       I am sure Bill would agree with me here; Thank you for your patriotism and great support of the parade and fireworks, he truly loved making it so great for everyone. I will further say; Please, be careful if you intend to set off your own fireworks displays, according to 2022 statistics there were 11 reported deaths attributed to fireworks – five due to misuse by those 11 to 43 years of age. There were 10,200 injuries, adults 25 to 44 years of age making up 36% and 15 and under making up 28%. Emergency room treatments due to fire crackers – 1300, sparklers – 600, hand and finger injuries – 29%, head, face and ears – 19%, legs – 19%, eyes – 16%. Burns were the most frequent injury – 38%. By the way sparklers burn at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. So please enjoy this great holiday, please wave to us as we again proudly participate in these great parades, enjoy your hot dogs, burgers, beans, and cold drinks and look for us, blanket under arm as we find a great spot for watching the fireworks display.   


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