Philadelphia Police Investigate Three Serious Accidents Last Night
by Alex Lloyd Gross
Fatal accidents took the lives of three people last night in different, unrelated crashes through out the city. At 7:00 PM Barbara Ann Friedes. was riding her bicycle on the 1800 block of Spruce Street, when a car driven by a 68 year old man crashed into her. The man driving the car then struck two legally parked cars, police said. Friedes was in the bike lane when the accident happened. The driver’s vehicle was towed by police.
About the same time a male who was not identified by police was standing on the corner of Frankford and Allegheny Avenues, when he was struck by a black Toyota. The driver remained on the scene and is cooperating with police. The pedestrian was pronounced dead within 15 minutes of the crash, police said.

At 4:33 PM in the 14th District at 5800 Chew Avenue, a 26-year-old female was struck by a blue Cadillac while crossing the street. The Cadillac fled the scene. Medic 18 transported the victim to Einstein Hospital, where she was placed in critical condition. The striking vehicle was later located at 5600 Sprague Street, and the female driver was taken into police custody. Her name and charges have not yet been released by police.