Police Release Video Of Shooting Suspect Firing Gun At Infant In Mayfair

by Alex Lloyd Gross


Philadelphia Police just released photos and video of a shooting that happened last night, on the 4000 block of Meridian Street. A seven month old infant was shot one time in the leg by a heavy set black female with dreadlocks. Police offered no motive.

In the video you can see the female pull a pistol and start shooting at random, firing several gunshots and one of them hit the child. She then ran away towards Lansing Street, police said.

If you have any information about this crime or this suspect, please contact:
Shooting Investigations Group:
DC 24-15-056757

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1 thought on “Police Release Video Of Shooting Suspect Firing Gun At Infant In Mayfair

  1. And yet again…. due to whatever’s in the mind of these types… someone gets hurt.
    Just like the FACT that the sun comes up every day, and like the air we breathe, this is a daily scene, a daily news story.

    Ironically, the black community complains that it insists, demands, that it wants to be treated and respected the same as others.
    And MLK jr. stated “not to judge on color, but on the content of their character”…
    I’d agree there, BUT, how in hell can people ever be relieved enough to allow the black community their cries for equality when this sort of behavior is shoved in their faces Daily?
    Because like the cement pavements you walk on every day, like the air you breathe, this has become a permanant part of life everywhere.

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