Male Gets Significant Prison Term For Trying To Have Sex With Bensalem Child

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Uturah Golson, 33, of Pottstown Pa. made a bad decision last July. It cost him 81/2 to 17 years in state [prison. He messaged a 12 year old girl and asked her for naked photos, police said. That conversation escalated and Golson was now interested in having sex with the girl.

He took public transportation from his home in Pottstown to Bensalem in the hopes of meeting the 12 year old but the girl went to her friends house instead. Golson was in the area and told the girl that, via social messaging. he was at her residence. The messaging went to for a few more weeks and one time, when the girl said she went to her friends house, Golson then found out that the girls friend was 11. The 33 year old then said he wanted to meet with both of them for sex.

That meeting never happened. Instead Golson got to meet with detectives with the Bensalem Police Department. He pleaded guilty in April to criminal attempt to commit rape of a child, criminal attempt to commit involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and criminal solicitation to photograph or film a child sex act.

In addition to prison, Golson was sentenced to to 20 years of probation and recommended that the state prison give him sex offender supervision and mental health treatment.

1 thought on “Male Gets Significant Prison Term For Trying To Have Sex With Bensalem Child

  1. These sick perverts, with their minds living in some fantasy world, are without a doubt one of society’s cancers.
    They must be really clueless to think they can actually get away with doing such sick actions.
    Past TV shows, documentaries, like “To Catch A Predator”, and modern technology focused on social media crimes, must be ignored by these sick creatures.
    I repeat: They’re living in their own fantasy world.

    Well hopefully, their twisted world can be focused on strict and long-term cuddling up with “Bubba” in prisons instead.

    I have to say that a part of this blame is towards social media too.
    Because it’s prone to being abused, just like many other “modern devices and services” that were developed in an effort to glorify and make life easier for the masses.

    Like higher powered cars, yeah, zero to sixty in seconds….
    Abused by punks trying to boost their egos and dopamine levels….

    Living a life glued to a cellphone….
    And basing a life around it….
    Is that normal?
    I think not.

    Before all this technology came around, society was in much better condition than now.
    I used to be able to walk alone, to kindergarden, school, without fear of somebody destroying my life because of their crazed intentions.

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