7th Police District Holds Family Fun Day
by Alex Lloyd Gross
How cool is it for a little kid to play on a SWAT truck, or climb into the drivers seat of a fire engine? That’s what happened yesterday, in the parking lot of the 7th Police District yesterday, as the police district hosted a Family Fun Day.
They brought different city agencies together to hand out information to people, and had State Game Warden and Fish and Conservation Officers to show off bear traps and teach about hunting and fishing laws.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-The Mounted Patrol was on hand at the 7th District.
Of course, there was a DJ and free pizza and an ice cream truck was dispensing free treats. Local politicians like Martina White and Jimmy Dillon had tables with information. The Parking Authority has a table set up and quite a few people are not happy with the red light/ speed camera program and they were not shy about their opinions.

This event was well attended as much of the free food was gone in 20 minutes or less. Even adults were seen having fun, playing on the fire truck and SWAT vehicles. It was also a great way for local businesses to get together with the public and give out samples of food. You can also learn a bit about Northeast Philadelphia history. Grant Avenue was named after Samuel Grant, a local landowner, not a former president.