Suspect Arrested In Second Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Authorities are calling yesterdays incident in which a male fired shots on the grounds of former President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-A Largo golf club an assassination attempt. The male who police said is responsible for this, Ryan Wesley Routh . He is going to be given a mental health evaluation before any charges are filed.

Authorities said that the grounds surrounding the golf club are wooded and not protected by the United States Secret Service. Should Trump win the election and become the sitting president, that will change.

Routh has a long history of breaking the law. Sources said that he was convicted and got probation for a hit and run, driving on a suspended license . On one instance, in 2002 he was pulled over but displayed a gun. He then drove to a store where he barricaded himself for three hours.

Routh self published a book in which he called Trump “brainless”. That book was published in 2023. In it , he wrote “I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake,” Routh wrote. “You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment.”

Ryan Routh -from his Linked In page.

“No one here in the U.S. seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work,” he added, “or even unnatural selection.” Routh went to the Ukraine to fight. two years ago.

Routh was interested in politics and even ran a small message board about politics. This shooting incident happened less than a week after Trump visited Philadelphia for the debate.

1 thought on “Suspect Arrested In Second Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump

  1. Oh lord, another pathetic Mental Case!
    Don’t people realize that taking out Trump is not going to help the country one bit?
    Ok, so you don’t like the man, fine, but go so far as to ruin your own life, your family’s lives, and then causing a massive countrywide civil war is not the answer!
    Where is the logic in that?
    There is no logic!
    It’s dumb!
    You Trump-haters are brainwashed mental cases, and should be investigated.

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