Threats Made Against Republican Committee Headquarters

Harrisburg, PA –  Montgomery County Republican Committee Headquarters was forced to close today after staff received a phone call, at 11:07AM, in which the caller communicated an angry, profanity-laced bomb threat.

Today’s incident is one of an increasing number of threats, violence, and intimidation acts against GOP candidates, offices, and staff this cycle — on top of two assassination attempts against President Donald Trump.

On September 6, a GOP staffer in Erie County received death threats from a Philadelphia man who said, “Your days are numbered, Bitch!” The messages went on to say:


On October 10, individuals forcibly entered the Delaware County Republican headquarters, threatened to kill staff, and blocked them from exiting the building. 

On October 17, many individuals associated with the GOP received an anonymous letter, which stated:

“Should your candidate win…we know where you live, you are in the data base. In the dead of a cold winters night, this year, or next and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen. Your property, your family may be impacted…” “You tread on me at your peril, motherf****r. We look forward to visiting in the future.”

All incidents have been reported to local police departments, Governor Shapiro’s Election Integrity Task force, as well as the FBI. In the meantime, Chairman Lawrence Tabas, of the Republican Party insists the Party’s efforts will be undeterred.

“Nothing will stop us from working to elect those who will put our country back on track,” said Tabas. “And there should be unanimous agreement that political violence has no place in our elections, especially after an innocent Butler County husband and father lost his life to political violence. We emphatically urge Pennsylvanians to voice their opinions by voting, not violence and intimidation.”

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1 thought on “Threats Made Against Republican Committee Headquarters

  1. Matt S says:

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    This crap is no different than some schoolyard bullies threatening other students.

    The brainwashed, manipulated, and likely “paid for their services” crowd is the source of these incidents.
    Think back to 2015…. to all that anti-Trump evil propaganda tossed to the masses to keep Trump from winning the seat in the Oval Office.
    This is because if he wins, the evil ones, the elite slobs, will suffer the loss of their long-running corruptive machine which they’ve managed to use to their benefit for decades.
    ….At the cost of taxpayers of course.
    Luxurious Living, dinner parties in mansions, having unbridled powers, and getting away with the abuse of others is part of the eccentric game plan.
    You can clearly see this if your head’s not stuck in the mud that they’ve created.
    Increases in inflation, costs of products, and things like “apps” to keep the little man occupied and controlled, while the elites reap their rewards.
    The Wall was erected to protect Americans so they could live their lives peacefully, but instead, we’ve now got insanity, crimes, drugs, fed to us, disrupting our daily lives.
    Global wars too, are part of their game… and naturally at the expense of the common man… many of those veterans come back in caskets, or with damaged broken bodies, but that doesn’t concern the elites a bit, does it?

    But the bottom line is that Trump wants to stop all that nonsense and abuse of The People.
    His first term showed the world the fact that it is possible.
    And now, being Trump is more educated, the evil ones are scared even more.
    Big Phama, Big Tech, and all the other money-grabbing greedy corps are living in fear.
    Their partying would come to a crashing halt.

    Look beyong all the insanity and choose carefully.

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