Rocky Fest Starts Today In Philly
by Alex Lloyd Gross
Rocky was released 48 years ago. The movie that stars Sylvester Stallone and features an iconic run through the city, culminating with a run up the Art Museum Steps now that movie is being celebrated in the city. It is a week long celebration and it started today.
The Rocky statue sits at the bottom of the Art Museum steps. For a month, a second die cast, the original statue owned by Stallone will sit on top of those iconic steps. It was earlier this morning that 125 school kids made the run to the top of the steps.

Visitors to the Art Museum are invited to stop by to see the statue and take photos. The sculptor of the statue A Thomas Schomberg was on hand to make remarks. He was overwhelmed by emotion when speaking.
There are other events that will happen this week to commemorate this movie. Such as an ice skating date night and showings of the Rocky movies. There is even a tour of filming locations that departs from the Art Museum. Tickets for that are going fast. Visit there for more information..