Free concerts this summer in Northeast Philly

By Alex Lloyd Gross
Pennypack Park has some awesome concerts for you to attend this summer and they are free. The Pennypack.Music Festival is always a great place to go to have fun. You will not see headline acts like Heart or Van Halen but you will see top notch tribute bands that know how to play and are darn good. This is not the local kids from a garage that play off key and mess up the lyrics. Those bands are not invited to play. There is an audition and selection process that happens way before the season starts, to insure only top notch bands are invited. Like Straight Shooter, who were there for the second night, May 18, 2016.

The music kicks off about 7:00 PM on Wednesday nights. However, not every Wednesday night is going to have a show. There are some weeks where there is nothing going on. Like next week, May 25, 2016. The reason is, the shows are scheduled in advance . If bad weather causes a show to be cancelled, then those empty dates are avail for a make up show. Check the link in this article to see who will be there. The next show is June 1.

The shows generally draw several thousands of people, especially if the weather is nice, and the band is a regular. Bands like Romeo Delight, Kick It Out and Think Pink Floyd are able to pack the place. They have been there, and have a great reputation. So if you do go, it’s best to arrive early, at least 30 minutes before showtime. This allows you to pick your spot, get something to eat and drink before the show.
Speaking of food, alcohol is not permitted but food is. In fact, the food that is sold there helps pay for the shows to be put on. T shirts, toys that light up and other items are for sale there.You can even guy a plastic cup for your drink. The money raised goes towards production and to pay the bands. Advertising is sold and that helps too. The bands play in the Ed Kelly Amphitheater which is best accessible from Welsh Road. Shows are over before 10:00 PM.
If you go, remember to use the trash cans provided and check out the Facebook Page as there are photos taken and posted on the page following every show.