Recycling event held at Municipal Services Building in Philly

By Alex Lloyd Gross
The city gave out free brand new recycling bins to residents this past week on the court yard of the Municipal Services Building. This was all to celebrate a new recycling contract and there are plans to process 100 percent of all recyclables
The market for recycled materials has always been a volatile one. With changes in the market, for the past six months, the city was sending half of it’s collected recycled materials to a waste-to-energy facility. The rest went to a Materials Recovery facility. Now it all does. Since the changes put forth globally, China decreased it’s contamination acceptance rate to less than .5 percent. Cities all across the country are scrambling to find the best deals they can for their recycled materials.
The new containers the city was giving out contain lids. A lot of times, moisture and rain gets in with the recycled materials and renders them unusable. Residents should not put plastic bags in with their recycled materials. They can damage machines or make an entire truckload of materials unusable. City officials said that in addition to avoiding plastic bags, rinse out containers to make sure they are clean.
Residents that want a new contai9ner with a lid can show ID to the Sanitation Yard at State Road and Rhawn Street and pick one up there.