Motorists Gouged By New Toll On Scudders Falls Bridge

By Alex Lloyd Gross
In a way to get money by any means possible, by the government,or a quasi -government agency, a $2.60 toll Enacted this weekend to drive over a once free bridge is causing motorists and local townships a massive headache. The toll of $2.60 is applied automatically via a toll reader that scans someones license plate. That toll is for private ,personal cars and light trucks such as Pick Ups and SUV’s. . Larger vehicles, 8 feet in height or greater are billed as much as $33.25 for a 7-axel truck. It is true that those trucks are rare and will not be driven except by big businesses. Small businesses owners will get slammed with a toll of $8.35, when a small truck rolls through..
Vehicles that use EZ-Pass get charged a slightly smaller rate.($1.25) for passenger vehicles. There is a frequent driver discount that brings that toll down to .75 per trip for an EZ -Pass customer if you drive 16 times or more in a month. However, that EZ Pass must be registered in New Jersey. Pennsylvania Accounts are not getting the discount.

The tolls are only charged to vehicles coming into Pennsylvania. Vehicles going into New Jersey are free. As you come into PA, you will keep driving and you will not stop at any toll booth. In spite of numerous signs advising of a toll, it is very likely that many motorists will be surprised when they get a bill in the mail for $2.60 or more.
Motorist are pissed and will do anything to try to avoid paying this toll. That includes driving over different bridges such as the Calhoun Street Bridge in Trenton, just off Route 1. The area surrounding that bridge is experiencing heavy traffic. Authorities are taking notice and it is quite possible the increased traffic can cause those bridges to deteriorate quicker than originally anticipated.
On this link the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission laid out their case for the toll calling the repairs necessary and the old bridge “functionally obsolete” in spite of the fact that millions of vehicles traversed it every year. New Jersey workers who are employed in Pennsylvania will see this eat into their budget. Small businesses could go under and or have to raise their prices due to the increased cost of getting merchandise to their store .
The Scudders Falls Bridge connects Pennsylvania with New Jersey via Route 295.