Bensalem Doctor Jailed on Health Care Fraud

By Alex Lloyd Gross
There was a small army of Federal Agents on Cheltenham Drive in Bensalem yesterday, September 25 2019. They were there to serve a search warrant and to effect an arrest warrant for Dr.Niel Anand, a pain management specialist who authorities claim was giving patients “goody bags” of medicines they did not need. This included pain killers, authorities said.
As agents walked out of his modest single family house with boxes of evidence, Anand was in court before a judge seeking bail. He was denied bail and was remanded to the Federal Detention Center pending another hearing Monday. The doctor operated an office in Philadelphia and another in Bensalem, on Hulmeville Road. Others that were taken into custody in relation to this case have been released on bail.
Prosecutors allege this scan ran almost four years and cost medicare over $4 million. He is alleged to have left pre signed prescription pads in his office for the other doctors to use. Those doctors were not licensed to practice medicine in the United States and they had no DEA registration,the indictment said. Anand was a registered doctor and was familiar with the procedure to be legally allowed to dispense medicine, the indictment said.