Man-Child Wanted For Vandalism in Somerton

Phila Police

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Writing graffiti is something teenagers and children do. It is something they do to gain notoriety among their peers and they hope to be famous in an underground group of people. Most grow out of this behavior  when they hit adulthood. It is childish behavior. Very few people get arrested for writing graffiti in their 30’s.  Let’s make this KAWN as famous as he wants to be.

Watch the guy in this video. On May 3 2020, he had a can of spray paint and wrote KAWN in red paint .  This was done the same night. He damaged a business the 15000 block of Endicot.  He also damaged a work van on the 13000 block of Worthington Street.  He is probably local, as he is on foot. Graffiti brings down property values and contributes to neighborhood blight.  If  you know who this male is,  police want to hear from you.