Congressional Debate Held at Bucks County Community College

by Alex Lloyd Gross
Brian Fitzpatrick is the Congressional Representative for the first congressional District in Pa. That encompasses all of Bucks County. Christine Finello wants to take his job. She thinks she can do it better. Th best way to do that is to let the public know your views on the issues. An in person debate was held at the Einstein Campus of Bucks County Community College which is on Veterans Highway , near I-95.
“One think I want to make clear, I am not in favor of de funding the police,” the democrat candidate said early on. Neither is Fitzpatrick. In fact, Fitzpatrick sponsored legislation that opposed it. It was that legislation that Finello had a problem with . “I know how important it is to get funding to all aspects of policing,” she said. Terror groups like ANTIFA and White Supremacy groups like the KKK are a danger to the community and to law enforcement. Both denounced them. Fitzpatrick does not agree that ANTIFA is an idea. “They get funding, they are organized, . Their people travel by buses and planes. We have to find out where they get their funding from they are a group of like minded people ,” he said.
During the 75 minute debate, most of the questions were about domestic issues. The questions posed were from constituents in this district. On the envio0rnment, Fitzpatrick touted his many endorsements by environmental groups. Finello countered they “are just endorsements”, and told him that he “could not be for the environment when he gets money from the gas and oil industry”. Finello, a resident of Ivyland said repeatedly that “there is a problem with water in Warminster ,”. If she were to get elected, she would work on problems like that to fix them.
Both came out against any kind of health care that would allow an insurance company to deny coverage due to pre existing conditions. Both said they were in favor of the Affordable Care Act. Finello blasted President Trump for trying to end the program and take away the health insurance for millions of Americans.
Finello hammered away at the COVID response, saying “You cannot dangle something to voters by November 3 , thinking it will be ready when it is not,” when asked about the COVID response,. Fitzpatrick said that the coronavirus is a lot like 9/11 in that it is bringing America together. We had a 9/11 commission and we will have a commission on this too, when it is over,”. Both want another round of stimulus payments to go out. to workers.
Previous debates saw a live audience. With the coronavirus, that was not possible. Less than 10 media outlets were credentialed to attend and that made up the entire audience. Media members in attendance all went through a health screening prior to entry . It was live streamed over https://pcntv.com/election/.You can go to that link to see when it will be replayed.
This debate was informative. There were no fireworks, no interruptions. Both candidates were respectful to each other..