Mark Your Calendars This Sat Oct 24 2020 Drug Take Back Day
Like everything else that’s been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the 2020 National Prescription
Drug Take Back Day is going to have a different look, but Bucks County residents will still be able to drop off
their unwanted or expired medications.
At 46 locations throughout the county on Oct. 24, Bucks County residents will be able to drive up and drop off
prescription medications, vaping products, over-the-counter medication and pet medication into collection bins
for safe disposal.
The collection sites will be available to the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 24. A majority are permanent
collection boxes available year-round, mostly at municipal police departments. The rest are temporary for this
and subsequent collections.
At this year’s event, participants are asked to stay in their vehicle and maintain a safe distance between their
vehicle and other vehicles in line. Before dropping off the unneeded medicine, remember to remove any
personal information from bottles.
Since it began in 2010, Bucks County has been the state’s foremost participant in National Prescription Drug
Take Back Day, an effort to rid homes of unneeded drugs, preventing drug addiction and overdose deaths if they
fall into the wrong hands.
“This upcoming medication take back event will be easier to participate in than ever,” Bucks County District
Attorney Matt Weintraub said. “Just locate the site closest to you, drive in, and drop your meds off without even
getting out of your car. Don’t forget those vapes, and pet meds, too.
Click this link to find locations across Bucks County, which was supplied by the Bucks County District Attorney’s Office.