Male Turns Shoplifting Into Robbery In Bensalem

When someone decides to go into a store and shoplift If it’s a large dollar amount of goods, it is a felony. If it’s a small amount of goods it could be a misdemeanor at worst. A summary if certain circumstances apply. When force or the threat of force is used, that will turn into a felony. That is exactly what happened on September 29,2023. It was about 1:00PM when the male in the above picture tried to leave the Home Depot store on Bristol Pike in a, without paying.

He had taken numerous tools and when approached by store security, he pulled a knife in his attempt to get away. He ran to the parking lot and got into a maroon Nissan Rouge .

Security cameras captured the male and his car. The license tag of HFH-3832 is a temporary tag, police said. They have no idea if the male owns the car, or stole it. He might have taken the car without permission, used it in commission of the robbery and then returned it.

If anyone knows who the male in the photo is, you are asked to contact Bensalem Police at (215) 633-3719.