Carjacker Shot Dead By Vehicle Owner In South Philly

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Philadelphia Police said that an unidentified black male, approximate age 18-22 allegedly attempted to carjack a vehicle early this morning on the 1400 block of South Water Street, in South Philadelphia. He did not expect the vehicle owner, a 38 tear old male to be carrying a gun. The car jacker was shot one time in the abdomen and was pronounced on the scene by medics.

The vehicle owner called police and is cooperating with investigators. He is not expected to be charged, police said. Police did not say what kind of gun was used. They do have the gun.

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14 thoughts on “Carjacker Shot Dead By Vehicle Owner In South Philly

    1. I hope the owner is not charged this is what happens when the people are left to defend themselves. If the city of Philadelphia can’t or won’t enforce these kids who go around hurting other kids and stealing packages off the doorsteps in daylight I know people who will not go out the day they are getting a delivery that day because they are afraid they will miss mail man ,or package from ups, FedEx it is sad. If this is what has to be done then people of Philadelphia do what you have to do.

  1. Sad that a young man had to lose his life over something so stupid, but this is what it has come to in the city, now the people that had to defend themselves & the criminal’s family will have to deal with the aftermath, no winners here!

  2. This is tragic for all of us! A young man lost his life, the driver had to live with the fact that he took someone’s life and all of us know the reality in Philly and many other places. This tragedy is 100% the result of political B.S. and political policy that ignores basic truths in favor of politics. It’s also the direct result of our legitimate press for NOT doing their job of calling out these politicians and policies that have created the incredible amount of criminal activity and complete lack of respect for all of us!

  3. It about time someone did that .I’m sorry for the kid & family but if you want to steal or take something that not yours you get what you get

  4. Play with fire you’re going to get burnt. We all need to go back to the days of the old west and strap a gun (six shooter) to our hip.

  5. It’s about time law abiding residents of this city start standing up and fight back. We cannot let these criminals think they can just take over this city.

  6. Unfortunately, for the victim to have to live with the memory of this incident… on this the day after Christmas.
    But, when you set out to steal another person’s property, possibly harm them, put someone in a dangerous situation, it’s a price you pay for a life in crime.
    Shouldn’t be a parent without a child today (sad for the parents) But, accountability is also important, own the life your child chose!!! Not blaming a system for his life of crime, but his bad choices. We wake up every day and decide to do the right things or wrong things in the world, and can only blame ourselves for the choice.

  7. This is sad but just. If laws were strict and punishment harsh then we would have less of this. Also parents need to do way better.

  8. More people need to arm themselves and start indiscriminately shooting these carjacking! I haven’t a shred of sympathy for them and the family better not start a go fund me page. Give the crooks body to science to be diced and meted out to different studies.

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