Under Age Males Arrested For Stealing Beer From Warrington Supermarket

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Kamar Bratcher

Jahiem Parker

You have to be at least 21 yeas old to buy alcohol in Pennsylvania. Minors get around this by getting an adult to buy it for them. Perhaps they are friends with the store clerk who does not check their ID. Three males, from outside of the area came to the Wegmans on Main Street to get their drinks by stealing them, Warrington Police said.

It was on April 29, 2024 when Savone Nash from Pottstown, Jaheim Parker from Patterson, New Jersey, and Kamar Bratcher from Baltimore, Maryland. walked into the supermarket and directly into the alcohol section, police said.

They then selected two six packs of White Claw alcoholic beverages and one twelve pack of Truly alcoholic beverages. They left that section and walked to another area of the store where they allegedly stuffed the beverages into two different backpacks and then walked out of the store without paying, police said..

All three were arrested for shoplifting and underage possession of alcohol, police said.