Bensalem Senior Tailgate Held At High School
by Alex Lloyd Gross
When Pete Pasquarella lost his daughter, Sophia to Leukemia in 2014 he was devastated. He vowed to keep her memory alive and he followed through. Instead of throwing a small graduation party for her, he throw a party for the entire graduating class of 2024 at Bensalem Twp.High School.
That party was just like a tailgate for a pro sports team, but without the alcohol. Lots of games and things to do. The games you see at an Eagles or Phillies tailgate were there for the students to enjoy. Everything was donated. All of it free. The class could feast on pizza, hot dogs, and so much more.

Those that attended were given a free t shirt courtesy of MAE Contracting. Food was supplied by various vendors, such as Outback and Rita’s, Too many to mention here.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley News.com Students play tail gate games
About 10:30AM, students lined up to get door prize tickets. The prizes, such as sneakers or sports team swag was all donated.
According to Kelly Pasquarella , (who is not her birth mom) “We got the okay to do this in April and we hit the ground running,” . Some of Sophia’s friends were there and they shared some memories of her.” She loved music and taking photos. Some of her favorite artists were Selena Gomez, Hannah Montana,” said Abigale Wootinsky.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley News.com students who knew Sophia ham it up for the camera.
“She loved animals and her dog. Nothing affected her, she was always happy,” said Colin Maloney, who just a few minutes after speaking about his friend won a door prize. There was a DJ keeping the tailgate going.
The weather cooperated. Beautiful, no rain. not too hot. Some of the students knew Sophia and by the end of the tailgate, others that did not wished they did know her.