Warringtom Shoplifter Takes Whatever Is Not Nailed Down
by Alex Lloyd Gross
Warrington Police recently announced the arrest of two shoplifters who are accused of stealing merchandise at the Target store. It was on July 3, 2024 when Jaimie Dennis Larkin and Gina Kay Rios went into the Target store at concealed merchandise before leaving the store without paying for anything. Larking,on his way out took a “pedestrian crossing” sign from in front of the store.

Both were identified shortly after the July 3 theft. Rios, from Ambler Pa. was given a citation. Larkin , from Blackwood New Jersey was released on $50,000 unsecured bail. There was no word on if the sign was returned or what he wanted it for. He was charged with (1) Retail Theft (S) (18) 3925 (A) Receiving Stolen Property (M1) (18) 3921 A Theft by Unlawful Taking (M1)