Cops still looking for hit and run vehicle

By Alex Lloyd Gross
It’s been over 24 hours since a speeding Nissan Quest ( mini van) hit and killed 50 year old Donna Anderson of Bristol Pa. The driver knew hit hit someone, this is not a glancing blow. This impact, a direct hit , caused the bumper and headlight to fall onto the road. The crash happened just after 2:00 am May 27, 2017, along the southbound lanes of Route 13 near Beaver Street. Witnesses saw the van turn right onto Bath Road and that was the last they saw of it.
Emergency crews remained on scene for hours, until the coroner could remove the body and cops could conduct an investigation. Family members, who found out about the crash rushed to the scene and interfered with cops and firefighters who were trying to do an investigation and keep the scene clear. Cops have checked each street in the region and have not found this vehicle.
If any one has information as to where the vehicle may be , or who may have been driving a dark colored minivan that is now damaged, or maybe the driver is now driving a different vehicle, suddenly, without explanation, cops want to hear from you. (215) 788-7812 ext 13. Detective Bill Davis is handling the investigation.