Krasner sacks 31 prosecutors

By Alex Lloyd Gross
On Tuesday Jan 2, 2018 Larry Krasner was sworn in as District Attorney of Philadelphia. He vowed to work with veteran prosecutors and wanted to work for a change in Philadelphia. Less than four days into his term, he fired 31 lawyers. Some were attached to the homicide unit. Jan 5, 2018, he told them to pack their things and get out of the office. He would not meet with them to discuss why.
His office issued a statement that worded to the effect voters wanted change and Krasner was giving them change, by shaking up his staff. He wanted his people that would be loyal to him and do things his way. Any politician has a right to change staff. However the callous way he did leaves a lot to be desired. One esteemed prosecutor was working a murder case and due to start trial Monday. Murder cases take time to develop. You just do not call the arresting officer and read a police report and wing it in court. This lawyer who was not identified was in constant contact with the victims family. He developed a relationship with them. Now he is out of the picture. The trial will most certainly be delayed.
This comes at a serious cost to the victims family members who want to put this matter to bed. It also comes at a cost of the accused and his family. It’s a sure bet he wants this trial over with, so he could prove his innocence. There is that possibility. Not everyone that is arrested is found guilty.
The lawyers that are now unemployed will have to find work in the private sector. Right after the holiday season, with zero notice. They were asked to resign effective today. Not all of them dealt with homicides. There were plenty that worked run of the mill domestic violence, robbery and summary cases as well. Some will apply to suburban departments. Others will face hard times. Law firms are not looking for experienced prosecutors. They want people that can bring in business. Many of those that lost their jobs today will wind up doing wills and estates or personal injury.
Krasner vowed to shake up the office of the District Attorney and he has. He cut his teeth suing cops and the city. In civil matters, he was accused by some people of ignoring evidence , vowing to go into a case without all of the facts. Krasner refused to speak with the media about his decision. Social media has not been too kind to Kranser or his decision to fire experienced prosecutors especially with zero notice. The irony is that some of those who lost their jobs may have voted for him.