Armed Ohio Man Forces Way into Home, Charged with Aggravated Assault
Digital Reporter- Jeff Bohen
A man armed with two knives, from Cleveland Ohio, forced his way into a Bristol Township residence on July 27.
Jamal Vick, 30, of Cleveland Ohio, was charged with aggravated assault, burgary, criminal trespass, and four counts of misdemeanor reckless endangerment for forcing his way into a residence on Muari Avenue in the Croydon section of Bristol Township.
According to police, the victim called 911 to report someone attempting to force their way into the private home they reside in with three children, armed with two knives. Police could hear the victim speaking to the 911 operator, telling Vick to not “…come near me and my children.”
Police arrived on scene within four minutes locating Vick in the residences living room and placed him into custody officers detailed in court records.
The victim told police, according to court documents, she heard loud pounding on the door and as Vick tried to forcefully enter the residence. The victim attempted to stop the suspect, but was overpowered by him, as he brandished two large kitchen knives
The three children took refuge in a bedroom by locking themselves in, as the victim fled the home waiting for police to arrive, court records show.
Vick was sent to Bucks County Correctional Facility in lieu of 10 percent of $100,000 bail.
Vick is scheduled to appear in district court on August 7.