Cops: Three Lower Bucks Teens Charged for Entering Pennsbury High School Illegally
Digital Reporter- Jeff Bohen
Three Lower Bucks teenagers were giving misdemeanor summons for unauthorized entry into a Falls Township school earlier this week.
Samantha, McCormick, 18 of Morrisville, Dante Amacker, 18 of Levittown, and Makenzie Shiller, 18 of Yardley were charged with defiant trespassing and disorderly conduct for there romp through Pennsbury High School on Monday.
According to police, the three teens entered west campus of the high school, located on the 600 block of South Olds Blvd without prior authorization.
Administrative staff ordered the trio the leave the premises but they remained in the school and were observed on closed circuit television cameras hallways and stairwells of the educational facility.
Staff from the school told police, according to court records, the behavior of the defendants annoyed and scared the staff.
The trio of teens are scheduled to appear in front of Falls District Justice, Jan Vislosky on December 10 to answer to the misdemeanor charges.
It was only several weeks ago that an alleged “online threat” was reported to Pennsbury school officials. The alleged threat incident occurred September 16, which lead to increased police presence at the school the following day.
Elizabeth Aldridge director of student services for the school district said at the time a “rumor” was shared online in a letter to parents about a “potential threat.” District officials notified school security and local police “so that we could ensure the safety and welfare of all students and staff,” Aldridge said in release to parents of the school.