Governor Wolf Wants You To Wear A Mask In Public

by Alex Lloyd Gross
April 3 2020. Due to the spread of COVID-19, Governor Wolf is asking everyone to wear a mask, or scarf over their face when they are out in public. An N-95 mask is used by first responders and medical personnel. A painters mask or surgical mask is fine for a trip to the store. Unless you are essential, you should not be staying outside anyway. A cheap mask will keep droplets away from your face but No mask will prevent you from getting COVUD-19, health experts say.

This is voluntary. There is no penalty assessed and if you choose not to wear a mask, you will not be arrested. Certain stores are now requiring employees to wear masks. A cloth mask will help prevent droplets from getting in contact with your face and if you are infected, it will help prevent the spread of droplets, if you cough expel any fluid. When a person talks loudly, they expel tiny droplets. A mask will help keep those droplets from spreading.
President Trump is expected to issue a similar, nationwide request as soon as tonight. Again, this is voluntary. Some stores that are considered essential can require customers to wear cloth masks in order to gain entry to their establishment. Cloth masks are very cheap. Contact the Attorney General to report issues of price gouging.