Watch As Looters Destroy Germantown Jewelry Store
Watch the video at the end of this article. Cameras roll as thieves force their way into a jewelry store located at 3641 Germantown Avenue. This small business was a fixture in the community, until this gang of heathens burst into the shop and ransacked it. They were caught on video which you can see with this article. They are most probably local. For the most part they were not wearing masks, or if they were, they were weari9ng them incorrectly. That makes it easier to see their faces.
When a store is looted such as this, they do not return. They start out being a good neighbor and hope to help the community. When this type of incident happens, it is devastating to the business. When a business takes a chance on a low income area, once something like this happens they do not come back into the area. They are gone forever and the storefront sits empty.
The individuals caught on tape have no idea of what they are stealing. They have no idea of the worth or size of the item.