Vaccine Mandate Is Here-Vaccinate Or You Can Lose Your Job

by Alex Lloyd Gross
Anti-VAXers will say the COVID-19 is a bad flue, the vaccine is unproven, that is was rushed or the vaccine is unproven. While no vaccine is 100 percent effective, they will point to the very small number of people who caught COVID and were fully vaxxed. They keep pointing this out and make that small number a majority. by keeping it in circulation, with social media.
The vaccine roll out was successful but it was not perfect. It got to the point where people were bribed to get the vaccine with gift cards or money. now, President Joe Biden mandated that all federal employees get vaccinated. No more choice of having a negative COVID test done every week. This also applies to sub contractors.
All businesses that employ 100 people or more must get them vaccinated. and give paid leave for them to do this. It is unknown if a franchise must adhere to this. Example a fast food franchise is not owned by say McDonalds, but rather a smaller business, ( call it DVN foods). The franchise has a staff of 35. Well under the 100 people. The question is how that franchise gets classified.

Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to claim that the only way to stop with virus is to get everyone vaccinated. Many people are encountering checks to get into events. Certain touring groups or concert venues are requiring a proof of vaccination to enter , or proof of a negative COVID test within 48 hours. Many places require their employees to wear a mask or face covering.
Most people that are fully vaccinated and get the virus will experience a severe cold . People who have the virus might not show symptoms. They can transmit this to others, especially those that not not vaccinated. Those that are not vaccinated experience severe respiratory symptoms. Biden said “This is no longer about personal choice or freedom, but protecting yourself and those around you,”.

Even former President Donald Trump has come out in favor of the vaccine. “It’s a good vaccine, take the vaccine,” he told his supporters. His America First PAC issued a statement “The COVID-19 vaccination mandate announced today by President Biden is a perversion of executive power that ignores scientific evidence and actively erodes the public’s trust in the fight against the pandemic. Rather than inspire hope and ensure Americans that we will one day return to normal, Biden sowed fear and division–essentially surrendering to the virus and those who have co-opted it for political gain. Keep in mind this announcement comes from an administration who is on the record opposing mandates such as this. Businesses across the country should refuse to endorse this egregious violation of our most fundamental rights and stand on the side of freedom and science.”
It must be noted that Biden has eschewed vaccine mandates in the past. Not everyone is accepting of the mandate. Expect the proliferation of counterfeit vaccine cards to flood the market. .