Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion- On Differences.

Dear Friends,
     How are you with division? Now I’m not talking about mathematics here, I am speaking of the division of people, politically, religiously, racially? What has happened to the world, to America? People in this country have always had differences of opinion and it has been the fodder for many debates and arguments, truth be known we have gone to war over differences of opinion. Production, taxes, religion, property, education, so many subjects with so many opinions, why? Fear, we seem to fear the things that are different than what we are accustomed to, comfortable with and that is hard to come to terms with. People of different ethnicity look different, talk different, dress different and that doesn’t always sit right, somehow it threatens our norm. Even food, the meats, the vegetables, the spices all become topics of debate, I would never eat that meat, that spice smells, it’s too spicy. Don’t let them move into my neighborhood, they may cause property values to drop, they may cause crime and bring drugs to our neighborhood and children.
     Fear is the root cause of prejudice and bigotry, fear of change, something new, and something we don’t understand. Some will debate it, write about it, and discuss it; many will find understanding and acceptance. Those who cannot come to that point will refuse to accept, they will oppose it, sometimes in arguments that can be mean and hurtful. Lately America has become violent in their oppositions, friends, families, even strangers engage in heated arguments over today’s politics, mandates, the COVID 19 pandemic. Should we build a wall, stop the open border and the undocumented coming in? Should we wear a mask, stay six feet apart, self quarantine, and for how long? Must we all be vaccinated, how many times, how many boosters, and is it working? Every day we get conflicting opinions and the division gets deeper as friends stop being friends, family stops speaking, and what gets solved? We need to accept our differences and co exist peacefully with understanding and a willingness to reach out to each other in friendship. Knowledge, education, truth, only when we stand together, different but united will we again be the America where anyone can become anything they set their heart and mind too. Now that said let me ask this, who the heck ever heard of putting ketchup on a hot dog! Really who…..


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