Street Takeover Riders Assault Police In North Philly

by Alex Lloyd Gross

July 29,2023

One story that is not getting enough attention is the street racers that assaulted a police officer. It happened July 23, 2023 on the 1300 block of North Broad Street. Police recently released a video of  some of the incident.   It was inside the Sunoco parking lot that cops found multiple illegal ATV’s and souped up race cars parked and causing a disturbance.  Police received multiple calls about this group of  motorists.

People are tied of street takeovers. They are dangerous and people get hurt or killed by being in the area.  As  officers approached , they gave verbal warnings to disburse. Finally, as police entered the lot, one miscreant  drove his vehicle in a reckless manor and struck an officer.  He kept going.  The driver got away but cameras captured the vehicle, the driver and much more.



Take a look at the video to see if you know anyone in the video. The street racers were not obscuring their faces and you can see them clearly. They are clearly reckless and are handing out of car windows and riding on sidewalks.



If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:
Major Crimes Auto Squad:
DC 23-11-042691