Hero Thrill Show Preview To Happen Tomorrow
by Alex Lloyd Gross
For those who work or visit center city tomorrow August 30,2023, there will be a preview of the Hero Thrill Show taking place along Market Street, on the 1800 block. It starts at noon and runs less than one hour.

You will see the Philadelphia Police Motorcycle Drill Team do a drive-by. They may be able to do a stunt or two, but they are not giving the entire show away. This is to launch the start of ticket sales and make people aware of the date of the actual show. That is September 9, 2023.

It is not all police, the Philadelphia Fire Department will be there as well. They will show off ladder trucks and other apparatus. The show, which takes place in the sports complex parking lot in South Philadelphia will start at noon, on the 9th. Parking is free.

Market Street from about 19th through 17th Streets will be closed to traffic for the preview and staging areas. Pedestrian traffic along the sidewalk is encouraged. It’s a great idea to bring your lunch and eat it outside, while you watch the preview. Money raised goes to pay for the college education for families of police and fire personnel killed in the line of duty.