IMHOTEP Wins Close Match Over Roman Catholic
by Alex Lloyd Gross
“I don’t want any more close games”, said a member of the IMHOTEP coaching staff after this game to his players. They won but not by much and it was a last minute victory. The score was 30-26. From the time the clock started at noon, Roman Catholic was in charge of the first half of the game going into halftime.
In fact, IMHOTEP did not score at all during the second quarter. Roman Catholic Wide Receiver Jah Jah Boyd ran multiple yards for several touchdowns, including one in the 4th quarter. That was the only scoring that they did in the 5th. It looked like they were going to take the game.

ALEX LLOYD GROSS Photo-Delaware Valley News.com IMHOTEP almost gets a touchdown in the second quarter.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley News.com
IMHOTEP woke up during the last quarter and with about two minutes left in the game, scored a touchdown to pull ahead That was what they needed.. Roman then had the ball but they threw it right to an IMHOTEP player. That was it. Ballgame over. Roman players were shocked at what almost was. IMHOTEP was elated at how lucky they were.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley News.com Jah Jah Boyd cannot believe an interception was just thrown near him to win the game by IMHOTEP.
This game was played at the Northeast High stadium. Both teams had a respectable crowd. There was another game scheduled at 4:00 PM . Lincoln would play St.Joe;s prep.