Everyone Is Entailed To My Opinion -On Post Holidays

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Dear Friends, 

       The holiday season is now behind us, the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating, meal planning, travel, hosting and going to parties. Now as the New Year lies ahead, the young ones are back to school, the house may even be back to normal, you are going to work and resuming your daily schedule, how do you finally relax?

       Did you vow to sleep for a week? Maybe you are planning to spend more time on yourself; join a gym, spa, swim, perhaps a weekly massage? Maybe you have a schedule that will permit you an afternoon nap? How about a date night, husband and wife, lady’s night or guy’s night out; Bowling, movies, dinner, a trip to the mall, perhaps you would prefer the theater, a nice stage play, or a local comedy club. Maybe you find day outings fit your schedule better; museum, art gallery, bus trip, and sightseeing. Are you more inclined to the sedentary pursuits; Puzzles, painting, reading, writing, or corresponding with old friends with hand written letters and pictures. Is there that old friend you haven’t chatted with in too long, maybe a leisurely conversation catching up and laughing would work? You could designate an hour a day to turn off your cell phone, computer, and other electronic media and just sit quietly.

       What will I do to relax? I planned to sleep late, enjoy a quiet meal at home with my wife, and listen to music and sing. I hope to sit comfortably in my pajamas and read a good book and sip my Ovaltine with my phone turned off and my computer as well. I have no plans to leave the house for days, just put my feet up and nap. What? The kids are stopping by, get out of my pajamas and get dressed? Why? They never did. May I have another slice of my fruitcake?

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