Bensalem Township Is Now Publicizing Retail Theft Arrests
by Alex Lloyd Gross

When someone steals in the city, District Attorney Larry Krasner usually will not prosecute. This unclogs the court docket with $24.99 thefts for example but it costs businesses. The fact that a thief got caught and the store got their merchandise back is irrelevant. When there are no consequences, the thief will take a chance and do it again. It’s a 50/50shot. You can get a few hours in jail or a brand new $300.00 item.

Bensalem is right over the county line. It’s in Bucks County. They do prosecute for retail thefts. A thief that steals the $24.99 item will pay a fine and probably get probation the first time. When they keep stealing, they get prison. That is an environment they are not going to like.

Bensalem has been posting about wanted shoplifters for a long time. During a recent symposium on retail theft, the suggestion was made to Director Of Public Safety Bill McVey to publicize the arrests made for retail theft. During the past week, 14 people from all over the area were arrested for stealing.

Director McVey took that suggestion and is rolling out a list of retail theft arrests in Bensalem, once a week. Stores will show up to court to prosecute.
These suspected shoplifters were arrested this week in Bensalem.