JUST IN !!!!! 9:00PM Curfew Issued By City Officials
by Alex Lloyd Gross
In an effort to combat looting and rioting, Mayor James Kenney has enacted a curfew from 9:00 PM until 6:00AM within the city limits. This will be enforced by police. It will be enforced in hot zones. A person walking to or home from work is not going to be arrested. People engaged in essential services, such as healthcare workers, media representatives and security services are not effected.
That being said, it is doubtful just how much effect this curfew will have on people that are out with the intent of committing crimes. In June, the city enacted a curfew, arrested multiple people and then dropped the charges and fines about a month later. Many of those people are now suing the city. The curfew is designed to take people off the streets who police think may cause trouble.
A good example would be a group of people walking aimlessly through an area that has been looted. They may not be looting but with them off the street, police can direct their attention elsewhere. Non essential businesses will be closed. last nights looting saw over 50 people arrested and an additional 23 police officers hurt.