Male Robs Dry Cleaners In Center City With Demand Note

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Aug 9 2021

“Give me all the money, don’t make a scene nobody will get hurt” That’s what the note said when the male in the below video gave it to the cashier at the New Felix Cleaners which is located at 335 Spring Garden Street in Philadelphia.

This broad daylight robbery happened August 7 2021. The thief, an obvious rocket scientist hit the place close to opening, when cash would be at a minimum. The also was unaware or did not care about the security cameras that captured everything and saved it for you to see. He got away with $150.00 police said.

If you have any information about this crime or this suspect please contact: Central Detective Division: 215-686-3093/3094 Det. Koenig DC 21-06-032081.