Contractor Guilty Of Bribing Inspector At Worksite
by Alex Lloyd Gross
Dec 14 2021
Worksite are visited by authorities often. That is to make sure they are conforming to health and safety codes and rules. If inspections were not done, some contractors would “chance it” hoping a problem or catastrophe did not happen Sometimes they get lucky and other times people die. Tony Ren was a contractor on Arch Street when OSHA got word that he was running an unsafe work site. They went to see.
When the inspector from OSHA got there, he found he official observed numerous violations of OSHA standards including debris in passageways, electrical issues, holes in the floor, and gas tanks with broken pressure gauges. All of these violations were serious and could have gotten someone hurt or killed. Instead of fixing the problems, Ren attempted to bribe the inspector with $1500.00 in exchange for not reporting what he saw, and passing Ren’s work site. .
Ren was charged via indictment and convicted at trial this week with bribing public officials . He will be sentenced later