Thief Breaks Into Multiple Vehicles in Bensalem
by Alex Lloyd Gross
The best way to keep a thief from breaking into your vehicle is to keep it locked. Bensalem Police have taken a higher than normal amount of theft from vehicle reports this past week. In every case, the thief gained entry simply by opening a car door that was left unlocked. It takes a few seconds for an alarm to trip and that is all someone needs to rifle through a console or glove box, take wheat they want and run away.
Five years ago this one man crime spree would have gotten away clean. Now, everyone has a camera and he got caught on video trying doors. You can see one of them here. Bensalem Police ask that you lock your vehicle when you are not around. Even for a few seconds. They also ask that you contact them of you know who the male is in the video. (215) 633-3719. If you have been the victim of a vehicle break in, you are also urged to contact police immediately.